Intro MP4 MP4++ FLV YouTube YT Vimeo SWF Hols HTML5 Sound Audio

WebPlus X8 - Video & Audio Demos.

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© 2014

HTML5 Used For This Video Player

Here is the HTML5 used for this video player demonstration. The “poster” image has an arrow symbol, to tell visitors that this is a video rather than just a static image. But clicking on this arrow does not start/stop the replay: The visitor must use the controls at the bottom.

There is a fallback to the YouTube version, for web browsers which cannot handle HTML5 and cannot replay the MP4 file using an Adobe Flash Player Plugin.

<video width="640" height="360" controls="controls" poster="poster-with-arrow.jpg">

   <source type="video/mp4" src="video-mp4-version.mp4">

   <source type="video/webm" src="video-webm-version.webm">

   <source type="video/ogg" src="video-ogv-version.ogv">

   <a href="" target="_blank" class="C-1"><img src="poster-for-youtube.jpg" title="Play on YouTube in New Window" alt="New Window: Play on YouTube."/></a>
